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Altaïr Bookstore: travel books and much more

Especialised in travel books, and you can find all types of books and much more


The Altaïr bookstore was created in Barcelona in 1979, and it is currently a reference in the world of travel culture, and one of the largest European bookstores specializing in travel, cities and cultures around the world, you will also find all kinds of books and magazines, as well as gift products from around the world, and different types of games.

Altaïr also has a travel agency, a travel magazine, a cultural space and a meeting point to exchange ideas and connect travelers. In addition, the lower floor has a coffee bar with free wifi and hosts various activities, like language exchanges, among others. In the coffee shop you can taste products from different parts of the world.

ENTI - UB students, teachers, administrative and service staff, and all members of ENTI Alumni, enjoy a 5% discount on their purchases at Altaïr. All you have to do is prove that you are part of ENTI - UB or ENTI Alumni, presenting your membership card.